
Our precast reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete unit production factory is located in Denizli industrial region on 10.000m2 of land. Three prduction halls utilize 4.000m2 of shop floor, a 3-story office building covers 420m2 of office area and 6.000m2 of storage area is utilized for storage and shipment. The operation makes use of 9 overhead cranes (Güralp) of various load capacity (6-12 tons).
Our production facility is designed and equipped with the capacity to produce roof girders, purlins, columns, double tees, earthquake beams, crane beams in both precast reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete technologies. Products made solely in precast reinforced steel technology are insulated wall panels, insulated/non-insulated double tee wall panels, tectured wall panels, etc. Constructiron steel rods, welded wire fabric, prestress wire, cement, concrete chemicals, insulation material and all raw material is expected to conform to effective industrial standards.
Factory laboratory is founded in accordance with effective regulations to sample daily concrete production by taking 15cm test cubes which are then stored and cured to be stress tested in 1-day, 1-week, 1-month intervals. Stress test is made in a hydraulic test press of 200tons/cm2. The same laboratory is responsible for the inspection of concrete aggregate for optimum granulometric design. Test equipment of our laboratory is regularly calibrated.
Our production facility is designed and equipped with the capacity to produce roof girders, purlins, columns, double tees, earthquake beams, crane beams in both precast reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete technologies. Products made solely in precast reinforced steel technology are insulated wall panels, insulated/non-insulated double tee wall panels, tectured wall panels, etc. Constructiron steel rods, welded wire fabric, prestress wire, cement, concrete chemicals, insulation material and all raw material is expected to conform to effective industrial standards.
Factory laboratory is founded in accordance with effective regulations to sample daily concrete production by taking 15cm test cubes which are then stored and cured to be stress tested in 1-day, 1-week, 1-month intervals. Stress test is made in a hydraulic test press of 200tons/cm2. The same laboratory is responsible for the inspection of concrete aggregate for optimum granulometric design. Test equipment of our laboratory is regularly calibrated.
Danta Prefabrik Betonarme Yapı San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.
We Offer Solutions...
Our group, which consists of three facilities as of 01.01.2015, was established as a construction contracting and consultancy company in Izmir in 1992. In 2000, our prefabricated reinforced concrete building elements facility started operating in its current location in Denizli.
Danta Prefabrik
Years of Experience
Mutlu Çalışan
Production Area
Completed Project